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Are you looking for Summer Check for your vehicle?


The summer months can be a challenging time for your car’s proper functioning. Rising temperatures can affect various vehicle parts. Therefore, it is advisable to take a few necessary steps to ensure safe and comfortable driving.

We recommend bringing your vehicle to our service station-Meadowfield Auto Centre, for a comprehensive car summer check Ponteland.

You can opt for professional summer checks at reasonable rates from us. We have a team of experts who inspects your car accurately and make necessary changes as per requirement. We assure you accurate inspections and make sure your car can withstand the summer heat.

Are you wondering about the checks included in our summer car check Ponteland?

Checks in our summer car service

Our experts provide the following checks during our summer car check-

Air conditioning system

It is imperative to maintain a comfortable cabin atmosphere to enjoy pleasant drives during the summer. Therefore, our experts will thoroughly check your car’s air conditioning system for any faults and re-charge/re-gas if it is running low.


We offer exclusive car summer check Ponteland, by checking and topping up the coolant for the smooth functioning of your car’s engine.


Engine breakdowns caused by overheating are common when the engine oil is not at its recommended level. Therefore, we suggest you bring your vehicle to our service station for a comprehensive check. Our experts will top-up the engine oil if necessary.


As per the UK road standards, tyres must have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm in order to be used legally on UK roads. We recommend getting your tyres checked for accurate tread depth, any damage, and correct air pressure. We want to make sure you are safe. In case we find any issue, we will show it to you and recommend buying an appropriate set of summer tyres from our facility so that your vehicle runs safely and you don’t break the law.


As you surely know, a properly functioning battery charging system is very important. Therefore, we give your car a thorough check for any faults related to the battery. In case you have already noticed some changes in your vehicle’s battery power, or we detect a fault, we will advise you to change it.

We may also provide other checks, depending on your car's overall condition, age etc.

Therefore, if you have been searching for the “best car summer checks near me”, put an end to it and come to our workshop instead.

Are you worried about affordability? Please don’t be. Our prices are always reasonable, and in case you are struggling, you can opt for our 6 months interest-free finance.

To book an appointment for a car summer check Ponteland, please call us.